

Create a Volume

  1. To create a volume, from the sidebar go to Volumes and select Create Volume up on the top right.

  2. You will then be prompted to:
    • Give it a name.
    • Give a description (which is optional).
    • For Volume Source select No Source.
    • For Type, select No Volume Type.
    • Select a size. 
    • Select an availability zone. 

  • Then select Create Volume at the bottom.

     3.  Once your volume is created, from the drop down menu under Actions select Manage Attachments.

      4.  You will then be prompted to:

    • Attach to an Instance.
    • Assign a device name.

  • Then select Attach Volume at the bottom.



  • If you attach more than one volume, the device name must be unique.
  • The device name is not always respected. You can use the command "lsblk" to see the device name that was actually used.

      5.  To get the above to work, open up a terminal and type in the commands below. You may need to replace "vdb" with your device name.

 sudo /sbin/parted -a optimal --script /dev/vdb "mklabel gpt"
sudo /sbin/parted -a optimal --script /dev/vdb "mkpart primary 0% 100%"
sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/vdb1
sudo mount /dev/vdb1 /mnt/

Boot from Volume

  1. To boot from a volume, go to Volume and Create Volume. Just like in step 2 of Create a Volume
    you will be prompted to:
    • Give it a name.
    • Give a description (which is optional).
    • For Volume Source select Image.
    • Next select an Image as a source.
    • Select a size. 
    • Select an availability zone. 

  • Then select Create Volume at the bottom.

     2.  Then, go to Instances and select Launch Instance.

  • For Instance Boot Source, select Boot from Volume.
  • Then select a Volume.
  • Now up at the top of the window, go to Access & Security.

  • Select a Key Pair, then press Launch.


Create a Snapshot

  1. To create a snapshot of a volume, go to Volumes in the sidebar and from the dropdown menu
    of a volume under Actions, select Create Snapshot.

     2.  Give it a name, then select Create Volume Snapshot.

NOTE: Volumes can't be deleted until ALL snapshots have been deleted, which can be viewed by
             going to the Volume Screenshots tab up at the top.