Create a Volume
- To create a volume, from the sidebar go to Volumes and select Create Volume up on the top right.
- You will then be prompted to:
- Give it a name.
- Give a description (which is optional).
- For Volume Source select No Source.
- For Type, select No Volume Type.
- Select a size.
- Select an availability zone.
- Then select Create Volume at the bottom.
3. Once your volume is created, from the drop down menu under Actions select Manage Attachments.
4. You will then be prompted to:
- Attach to an Instance.
- Assign a device name.
- Then select Attach Volume at the bottom.
- NOTE: If you attach more than one volume, the device name must be unique.
5. To get the above to work, open up a terminal and type in the commands below.
sudo /sbin/parted -a optimal --script/dev/vdb "mklabel gpt"
sudo /sbin/parted -a optimal --script/dev/vdb "mkpart primary 0% 100%"
sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/vdb1
sudo mount /dev/vdb1/mnt/
Boot from Volume
- To boot from a volume, go to Volume and Create Volume. Just like in step 2 of Create a Volume
you will be prompted to:
- Give it a name.
- Give a description (which is optional).
- For Volume Source select Image.
- Next select an Image as a source.
- Select a size.
- Select an availability zone.
- Then select Create Volume at the bottom.
2. Then, go to Instances and select Launch Instance.
- For Instance Boot Source, select Boot from Volume.
- Then select a Volume.
- Now up at the top of the window, go to Access & Security.
- Select a Key Pair, then press Launch.
Create a Snapshot
- To create a snapshot of a volume, go to Volumes in the sidebar and from the dropdown menu
of a volume under Actions, select Create Snapshot.
2. Give it a name, then select Create Volume Snapshot.
NOTE: Volumes can't be deleted until ALL snapshots have been deleted, which can be viewed by
going to the Volume Screenshots tab up at the top.