SU21 Responsibilities

Program participants are responsible for following the guidelines listed below.


  • Follow UC San Diego Principles of Community. Report violations of Principles of Community to the program organizer, Ryan.

  • Attend program and team events as time permits. More than three absences from program or team events is cause for participation review.

  • Participate in full-time development efforts (40 hours/week - no fixed schedule other than participating in program and team events)

  • If a program or team event has to be missed, inform your project manager before the event starts.

Development Phase - Project Manager Interns

  • Collaboratively with developers and product owner agree on sprint tasks at beginning of sprint.

  • Run daily weekday sync meetings.

  • Update burndown hours in tracker after daily sync meetings.

  • Keep team focused on goals. Facilitate team communication, recognize accomplishments, and identify and elevate risks when needed.

  • Plan and coordinate team building exercises.

  • Organize sprint review presentations.

  • Run sprint retrospectives and enable implementation of lessons learned.

Development Phase - Product Owner Interns

  • Collaboratively with developers and project manager agree on sprint tasks at beginning of sprint.

  • Participate in daily sync meetings.

  • Update vision of the product as needed.

  • Create and clearly define new tasks.

  • Update and clarify existing tasks.

  • Review development work.

  • Implement as a developer as time allows.

  • Create and give sprint review presentations.

Development Phase - Developer Interns

  • Collaboratively with product owner and project manager agree on sprint tasks at beginning of sprint.

  • Participate in daily sync meetings.

  • Work on sprint tasks.

  • Ask for clarification from product owner when tasks or direction is unclear.

  • Present in sprint reviews if PM/PO desires.