SDSC Webinars
Zoom USS Webinar 2019
May 2019, Gavin hosted an one hour Zoom webinar. He discussed and provided a brief overview on the SDSC USS workflow process, S3 API Gateway (S3 CMD, Cyberduck and Boto3) and NFS. He demonstrates this with Windows10 and Linux system. The webinar was intended to help beginners, unfamiliar with S3 object storage, see how S3 clients could be used to interact with their USS allocation and enable additional functionality.
More information about this content can be found on this SDSC Cloud Confluence space, under USS Storage.
Openstack Webinar 2019
May 2019, Colby hosted a Openstack Zoom webinar. He presents an overview of SDSC’s Cloud Compute service and its features. The webinar was intended to help those unfamiliar with the Openstack Dashboard, by demonstrating and explaining how to control and customize Cloud Compute through the dashboard site and command line tool. In about the last 10 minutes, he also answered questions from the participants.
More information about this content can be found on this SDSC Cloud Confluence space under Cloud Compute and/or Cloud Dashboard.