SU21 Team Duryan Computing


Duryan Computing is a group of graduate and undergraduate students at UC San Diego brought together by the San Diego Supercomputer Center’s internship program that was designed to teach agile methodologies in a hands-on capacity. Our goal was to create a new app or website from the ground up by following daily scrum meetings and bi-weekly scrum reviews.


Our product is QuickQuAck, a real-time lightweight discussion board that allows college students to connect anonymously over a localized area. Users can create text or poll posts, which other users can like, comment or vote on. Posts are timed to delete within 24 hours so that the app stays agile and fresh. They can search for content through several post tags. Users can also chat with other users and can either stay anonymous while doing so or choose to reveal their actual name. Users have new randomized names on every post so user interactions could not tracked through a single anonymous name. We hope that this product will facilitate more student interaction on the UC San Diego campus, as it reopens for students in the fall quarter.


Basically the existing program’s page, but for the specific team.

Name: Nicholas Hale

Position: Developer

School: UC San Diego

Major(s): Cognitive Science

Minor(s): Computer Science

Short Bio: I’m a rising third-year student at UCSD. I have a great interest in delving into the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence. I enjoy doing archery, reading, and playing games with friends in my spare time.

Name: Karl Hernandez

Position: Developer

School: UC San Diego

Major(s): Computer Engineering

Short Bio: I’m a rising second-year student with hopes to become a software engineer in the future. In my freetime, I love going surfing, hiking and I occasionally play video games with friends!

Name: Daman Heer

Position: Product Owner/Developer

School: UC San Diego

Major(s): Cognitive Science

Minor(s): Data Science

Short Bio: I’m a rising fourth-year student-athlete at UCSD with a passion for software development. In the future I aspire to work at the intersection of data, product, and design.

Name: Jill Su

Position: Developer

School: UC San Diego

Major(s): Computer Science

Short Bio: I’m an incoming fourth-year student at UCSD and aspire to be a software engineer. I enjoy working out, listening to music, cooking, and playing video games with friends in my downtime.

Name: Ajay Booter

School: UC San Diego

Position: Developer

Major(s): Computer Engineering

Short Bio: I’m currently in my fourth and final year here at UCSD. In my freetime, I enjoy rock climbing, reading, and playing video games.

Name: Jason Liang

School: UC San Diego

Major(s): Computer Engineering

Short Bio: I’m an incoming second-year student at UCSD. I aspire to work with both software and hardware technologies in the future, likely in embedded systems or computer architecture. In my free time, I like to work out, listen to music, read, and watch Netflix and sports.