Version 1 Authentication End of Life - 1/29/2021

Version 1 Authentication End of Life - 1/29/2021

Version 1 authentication for SDSC Cloud Storage will be discontinued on 1/29/2021. 

All users who are using version 1 authentication must ensure that their OpenStack Swift Clients have been reconfigured to use version 3 authentication and update all public links to cloud.sdsc.edu are updated to use object.cloud.sdsc.edu before 1/29/2021 to avoid a service interruption. 

Your version 1 authentication username and password is different from your version 3 authentication username and password. Please email support@sdsc.edu if you don’t know your version 3 authentication username and password. You can verify your Username and Password by logging into the SDSC Cloud Web Dashboard.

Migrating OpenStack Swift Clients to Version 3 Authentication

Instructions for authenticating to SDSC Cloud Storage using the version 3 authentication protocol for supported OpenStack Swift clients is at:

Please see below for configuration values if you are using an unsupported OpenStack Swift client: 

  • Username: <email address>

  • Password: <assigned password>

  • Auth URL: https://identity.cloud.sdsc.edu:5000/v3

  • Project Name: <assigned project name>

  • User Domain: default

  • Project Domain: default

  • Region Name: SDSC

  • Interface: Public

  • API Version: 3

Please contact your software vendor if your OpenStack Swift Client doesn’t support the OpenStack version 3 authentication protocol. Version 3 authentication was introduced in 2013 so every software vendor should support it. If your software vendor doesn’t support version 3 authentication, then you can try the AWS S3 API for OpenStack Swift. 

Updating Public Static Website Links

Everyone using SDSC Cloud Storage’s static website feature must update all links so the domain in the URL is object.cloud.sdsc.edu instead of cloud.sdsc.edu. For example, if the link to your file is currently:

  • https://cloud.sdsc.edu/v1/AUTH_sdsc/documents/readme.doc

You will need to update the link to be:

  • https://object.cloud.sdsc.edu/v1/AUTH_sdsc/documents/readme.doc

The object.cloud.sdsc.edu URL is currently active for all SDSC Cloud projects, you do not need to do anything to enable it. 

Why is this Happening?

On August 24, 2019 the version 1 authentication system known as swauth was retired. Swauth was written using the Python 2 language, which reached its end of life on 1/1/2020 and is no longer being supported. Future versions of OpenStack Swift will require Python 3. Since SDSC wants to stay with the last version of OpenStack we must discontinue using any functions that do not support Python 3. We are sorry for the inconvenience.  


Please email support@sdsc.edu with any questions or problems that you have.