Version 1 Authentication End of Life - 1/29/2021
Make sure you have Python version 2.5 or higher (download python)
Windows: Set the PYTHONPATH environment variable
On your desktop, right-click My Computer, and then click Properties. In the System Properties dialog box, click Advanced, and then click Environment Variables. Under User variables for <username> (the top half of this window), click New. In the New User Variable dialog box, type "PYTHONPATH" in the Variable name box. In the Variable Value box, type "%PYTHONPATH%;C:\YourPythonFolder" (replace "C:\YourPythonFolder" with the location where you installed Python), and then click OK.
Download the swift.py script
Navigate to the location where the script is installed and type "swift.py" - you should see a list of all the script options
Test the connection (replace "account", "username" and "password" with your own)
Code Block language bash swift.py -A https://cloud.sdsc.edu/auth/v1.0 -U <account>:<username> -K <password> stat
Set environment variables to avoid having to type common options each time:
ST_AUTH: server name (https://cloud.sdsc.edu/auth/v1.0)
ST_USER: username
ST_KEY: password